Thursday, September 9, 2010!

Hi all...

I just wanted to post and say hi to the best family in the world!  We think of you all often and love you to bits. would be in pieces if I could hug you!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to the woman that can make flowers bloomAnd has weathered the prairies wind

Thank you for being the wonderful, kind, loving, beautiful mother, grandmother, great-grandmother to our DeMeester family! Three cheers for Grandma Lil!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Where in the World in Grandma Lil?

Grandma Lil came out on the train to visit Seattle around Christmas, and we were so excited! We planned a couple things for her, just to make sure she wasn't too bored and here is the recap!
On the first day of Christmas we took her to the Nutcracker ballet On the second day of Christmas, we took her caroling!
On the third day of Christmas we took her to the Rockettes Radio City Christmas Spectacular
On Christmas Eve, she sang Christmas carols

On Christmas day, she checked out the goodies Santa left! I'll let you guess if she was naughty or nice...

On the first day after Christmas, she enjoyed a nice Christmas program
On the next day of Christmas, she went to Seattle and enjoyed the gingerbread houses
tending the kids :>

the carousel ride

the Macy's train window display
and feeding the seagulls at Ivar's

She was busy! But we loved every moment of it! We miss you Grandma Lil! Come visit soon!

Monday, June 22, 2009


Thanks for the loving support that you send every week.

My first transfer ends on Wednesday. I will be staying in Emmen with Elder Bell!!!! I am excited.

Top Ten 10 things that are different here in Holland:

10 their public transportation system works effectively and people use it a lot.

9 it seems like there is a holiday or a day off work every other weekend.

8 the toilet is in one room and the shower is in another

7 when it rains, it pours - it is drier in a shower than outside

6 they have this dessert called Vla (said fla) and it is sooo good. It’s like a mix between pudding and yogurt

Top 5

5 we are not allowed to wear helmets on bikes as missionaries. No one does. Kids throw rocks at people with them on and break them when they are left with the bike.

4 bikers have the "right of way"...Always

3 almost every House (I’m not saying apartments) shares a wall with another house

2 people say heel laas pindakaas which literally translates as unfortunately peanut cheese.

#1 people ride bikes in the rain with their umbrellas out and open

Miracles are being poured out from heaven. Our district (only 8 missionaries in 4 cities) has 10 baptismal dates. We have just set one.

Found 6 new investigators yesterday.

Elder DeMeester

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

helaas pindakaas

Already we had 4 new investigators come to church yesterday!!! It was sweet. 3 from Africa (Congo) and a Dutch man Arejon. Hopefully we will be having more next week.

At the beginning of the week we set a baptismal date for a Dutch guy named Elmar but yesterday he didn’t come to church and so we visited him and he doesn’t want to make a return appointment...which means he dropped us.

I am starting to realize that control over people really is an illusion. There is no control that we have as missionaries over people. We meet with "friends" for 30-45 min 2-3 times a week, we expect them to come to church and become baptized. We have to rely on God for the rest. He is the one that prepares people and guides them with the light of Christ and the Holy Ghost everyday for every choice. I have a testimony that the only thing we can attempt to control is our attitude and our actions. Me as a person, I can choose to wake up on time or not. I can choose the music that is played and I can choose to work hard or waste time. With each choice that we chose we can come closer to God or further ourselves from him. When obedience becomes a quest, that is when god endows us with power. The more obedient we are the more power He will trust us with. that is why mission presidents give us so many more rules than in "regular life", because we need more power to change people in those 30-45 min that we have sharing the gospel. With greater obedience comes a greater amount of spirit thus we must always watch our actions and smile at the tender mercies that the lord gives us

Elder De Meester

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Weekly letter from Emmen...

Hi all. Grandma Newton, thank you so much for getting my baptismal clothes ready for me (she hemmed his pants) because I am doing a baptism this weekend! We are baptizing a Chinese student that is up here for college. We have taught him in English and he has such a great testimony. His name is Chen Zhi but he goes by Jules! He is 19 (we have been putting missionary thoughts into his mind) and he asked me to baptize him on May 30th! We also have a woman being baptized on June 6th ish but we might have to move it because of her finals. I love this city!
My “Hand of the Lord” experience this week: for two of our appointments the investigator calls us before we get there and is like "Is it all right if I bring some friends?" and of course we were like ja. So basically the Lord gave us 4 new investigators and was like, "Teach them" with no work on our side. Blessings of being obedient in the small things I think. We have interviews with the mission president tomorrow-- my "first” and "last" because he is leaving and we are getting a new one. I love you so much. The work is hard but satisfying! Letters take about 1 week to get here. Happy Memorial Day! I can’t wait till this weekend! My first baptism and I know that with the help of the Lord there will be many more :D

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Happy Days Will Come To You All Year!!!

Happy Birthday to Grandma Lil! If the candles are too much to blow out... use your garden hose! We love you and wish you the best of today and the whole year! Wish we could all be there with you.